前陣子開始有雜誌社的稿約,現在又有網站的稿約,日後因為開發新課程也有出新教材的必要性:EMFA、Pieta Conservatory、SNeHA工作坊等相關教材......
想到Pieta,沒事又逛到一站 http://www.violinonline.com/conservatorysystem.htm 談到conservatory system,有一段話值得保留在這裡:
"In many instances the European conservatories were sponsored by governments for the purpose of preserving a country's musical culture. Ordinarily, they were free for all, their directors realizing that musical talent was no respecter of social class. In general the curriculum consisted of applied music, solfeggio, harmony, and other theoretical branches. The aim of the conservatories was to produce excellent performers with broad musical backgrounds." (Keene, James. A History of Music Education in the United States. University Press of New England, 1982: 278.)
看來累積寫作能量的速度要快一點了。But how?